Today I had a tutorial with my lecturer at the SCM on my composition. I showed him my draft (D which you can find here) and he gave me some tips on improving it. Some of the things we discussed were:
Using a different ending - instead of slowing down it may be better to continue increasing the tension and ending on a high note.
Working on the transition between Section A and Section B as the chromatic scales are not a great addition - they give the impression that you have run out of ideas
Being more careful with the dynamics - it isn't very good to have one instrument playing forte and one piano at the same time.
Thinking about the practicality of my composition - where will the flute player take a breath in section C?
Is there a better way to notate the rhythms in Section C? - possibly stems over rests - will help with the reading of the rhythms.
Take a look at my new draft (E) here