Today at the SCM we presented our individual compositions and gave feedback to each other based on Berger's process (2003). I presented my full draft (Draft E) which you can have a look at here.
I really enjoyed hearing the wide range of compositions by my fellow classmates. From a very snazzy tango, to a cool aleatoric composition we have some very talented composers in our class!
Here is some of the positive feedback that I received about my piece:

Overall, I think people really like my concept and they like the melodic content which is good to hear.
Here are some of the comments that will help me to improve my work:

So the things that I have done now are:
I spoke to a violin player and asked her to look over the part and see if there was any articulation that wasn't clear. It was a good chance to talk to her about the bow and the differences between different strokes. On my next draft (F) I have included a marking on my score to show that I would like the start of each bar to begin with a downbow.
I have worked more on the ending and adding articulation to make sure that it keeps building and keeps driving to the end.
Have looked more at the flute part and simplified a couple of bars to allow an extra place to take a breath.
Double checked some of the dynamic marking to make sure that they make sense.
Have a look at the most recent draft (F) here.