Resource Reflection #7 - The FINALe!
Today I completed Task 2 for SSME 2019 by finishing off the final week's resources. This final week aims at focusing on the set work for...
Today I completed Task 2 for SSME 2019 by finishing off the final week's resources. This final week aims at focusing on the set work for...
This week students will look at other ways composers can tell a story through music. through focusing on "Gallipoli" by Ross Edwards...
I found the resources for the fifth week of the unit to be fun to make as they relate to extended techniques and how composers use them...
Today I completed the fourth week of the unit's resources (and I am excited to say that I am past halfway!). This week of the unit...
Today I worked on the third week of my unit and resources for those lessons. This week the focus is on different ways of composing music...
The second week of my unit looks at "adding details" in music to create specific representations of a story/theme. Today I worked on the...
Today I made the resources for Week 1 of the unit which focuses on creating the "Big picture" through music. The first resource is a...
Today I completed the outline for the unit of work for year 12. It has taken a little longer than I thought but I am happy with the flow...
Today I worked on the first part of Task 2 - The Set Works for Course 2 Mandatory Topic - Music of the Last 25 Years (Australian Focus)....
The final task for "Teaching Senior Secondary Music" is underway! I started the assignment today by selecting my my topic for the unit of...
We made it! The last night of the semester is complete and it was fabulous (if I do say so myself). What an awesome showcase of our...
This project is finally coming to an exciting end! It really has been a rollercoaster with a few bumps amongst the twists and turns but...
Well, I am proud to say that my original composition is finished and yes, I am actually proud of it. I have really enjoyed working with a...
Today Louise and I fixed a few last minor mistakes that had slipped under the radar. We noticed a few small typos and formatting issues...
Today was a very exciting day as along with three of my peers, we workshopped, rehearsed and recorded my composition. It was a long day...
The end is near.... and what a semester it has been! Yesterday at the SCM we reviewed the content explored over this past semester in our...
Today at the SCM we presented our individual compositions and gave feedback to each other based on Berger's process (2003). I presented...
Today at the SCM, Louise and I discussed how we are going to present our project at the Presentation Night for our cohort's Tech Projects...
My "Baby Steps" resource is completed now, with the third section on aleatoric elements and chance composition. By using an online dice,...
Music technology is allowing students to experience a wider range of musical styles and skills in more relevant and engaging ways. If...