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Resource Reflection #7 - The FINALe!

Today I completed Task 2 for SSME 2019 by finishing off the final week's resources. This final week aims at focusing on the set work for...

Resource Reflection #6

This week students will look at other ways composers can tell a story through music. through focusing on "Gallipoli" by Ross Edwards...

Resource Reflection #5

I found the resources for the fifth week of the unit to be fun to make as they relate to extended techniques and how composers use them...

Resource Reflection #4 (past halfway!!)

Today I completed the fourth week of the unit's resources (and I am excited to say that I am past halfway!). This week of the unit...

Resource Reflection #3

Today I worked on the third week of my unit and resources for those lessons. This week the focus is on different ways of composing music...

Resource Reflection #2

The second week of my unit looks at "adding details" in music to create specific representations of a story/theme. Today I worked on the...

Resources Reflection #1

Today I made the resources for Week 1 of the unit which focuses on creating the "Big picture" through music. The first resource is a...

Unit of Work complete!

Today I completed the outline for the unit of work for year 12. It has taken a little longer than I thought but I am happy with the flow...

Task 2 - Part 1 Mandatory Topic Repertoire

Today I worked on the first part of Task 2 - The Set Works for Course 2 Mandatory Topic - Music of the Last 25 Years (Australian Focus)....

Task 2 has begun - Choosing repertoire

The final task for "Teaching Senior Secondary Music" is underway! I started the assignment today by selecting my my topic for the unit of...

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