We made it! The last night of the semester is complete and it was fabulous (if I do say so myself).
What an awesome showcase of our cohort's amazing work and exploration of technology in the music classroom.
The presentation of learning at the SCM this evening was a chance for us to show off our resources, skills, technology-based resources to our peers, staff at the SCM and other educators. It consisted of a few presentations from groups as well as free time to chat to others and test out their work.
Louise and I presented out GarageBand tutorials on one of the tables which enabled people to come and test out the resource with an iPad. We were able to explain the process as well as answer questions about how it might fit in a classroom environment.

It was pretty cool to chat to two educators from Dubbo who had come along to see what else they could introduce into their classroom. They loved the idea of the tutorials and how their bite-sized steps were easy to follow and creative at the same time. They asked us about how the year 7 students that we tested it with reacted to it and they also discussed with us their classroom environment.
A lot of people commented on how in-depth the project was and how it was really clear in the design.

Some educators also mentioned that this resource would e a great way for them to learn about GarageBand as well!
Overall, it was a really valuable evening as we were able to explain our experience with other people in the same "field" as us. It was also an exciting way to end the semester!