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Project Update: Collaboration tools

This project is a collaboration between myself and another student in my university cohort as well as with a music teacher at our prac school.

Today we discussed tools to help us to be as effective and productive as possible. We have decided to use a Google Docs file as a way to collect all the text, specific program settings (eg: canvas size, image/video sizing, font, colour etc.) as well as keep a record of our plan and goals for our individual and collective roles.

A Google Drive folder is also going to be where we save everything to including, Hype files, raw videos, Screenflow files etc. this will allow us to access everything from anywhere at any time.

We also discussed the positive and negative effects of numbering our tutorials. Originally we decided to number them but have now agreed that this limits their use in the classroom as most of them are unique in their required skill set and do not have to be used in any particular order. For the means of organisation in the creation process we will still include a numbering system in file titles.


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