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Project Update: PoL @ SCM

Today at the SCM, Louise and I discussed how we are going to present our project at the Presentation Night for our cohort's Tech Projects on Friday 23rd November. We have to consider how to submit the resource for marking by our lecturer but also how we are going to share it with other music educators on the night (and in the future).

We have decided to ask James Humberstone for some help in displaying our resource. He is going to upload the files to a space on his website (Thanks James!!).

In order to allow one webpage to act as a homepage for the resource and the 17 tutorials we need to create a final webpage using Hype which will include an introduction to our resource and then a page with all of the links.

On the presentation night we are going to set up a table with two computers and two iPads so that people can come and try our resource and chat to us about the process and it's usefulness for the 21st Century music classroom!


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