Knowing your target audience and their expectations and preferences for a product is a key part of the creation process. Today, I tested our Project idea with a group of Year 7 students at my prac school.
I had a discussion with them about the resource currently available to them and it's positive attributes. I then asked them what additional features would help them to learn in a more effective way and what aspects of it are frustrating from the user's point of view.
A few key points were raised and are very helpful in gaining an insight into our target audience:
The students immediately identified that the resource is out of date and refers to the old version of GarageBand.
They discussed the usefulness of the still shots of each step and spoke about how it can be hard to work out what each step is trying to get you to do. The commented that a short video would be more useful as it could clearly show the intention of each step.
The extent of detail included in each step - they identified that some steps jump a bit and don't tell the user how to get to there. They would like the steps to completely connect the dots, especially in large steps.
It was a very worthwhile chat as I was able to confirm the intentions of the project and ensure that we are creating a product that is useful, relevant and engaging for the students.
Below is an excerpt from the current resource available to students.
