Today I completed Task 2 for SSME 2019 by finishing off the final week's resources.
This final week aims at focusing on the set work for the unit and helping students revise all of the skills they have developed throughout the unit in terms of formal analysis. The first activity is a scaffolded analysis of the set work "City Lights". Again, it is similar to the other scaffolded analysis activities but I have tried to make it a bit more in depth as it is a set work and students will need to develop their knowledge on this piece for their HSC exam.
Here is a little bit of it:

The other main resource for this week is the extended response question which acts as the summary of the whole unit of work. It is in the style of an HSC Question 4 and I tried to use similar wording when writing it.
The question is.... drumroll please (because this is the last resource for the unit...)
"With reference to the concepts of music, how have composers effectively and creatively written music that reflects a stimulus? In your answer, refer to the set work “City Lights, a Mile up” and another work explored through this unit."
Hopefully, the previous activities throughout the unit will have provided students with the knowledge and skills to complete it. Students have been able to analyse various works in different ways and in individual and group contexts so I would hope that they can draw on their understanding of the whole unit and write a coherent and well planned response.
Overall, I think my resources fit well with my lesson material and they are accessible for students of all abilities. I think they help students to reach the main aims of the unit and develop their analytical, aural and composition skills.
And with that... this assignment is finished!!